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Easy Fast Free Traffic Method – Social Media Autoposting

In this training article i want to share with you a technique that i have used before in order to get some easy free traffic to my blogs. This free traffic method won’t crash your servers, but it’s a great method because it requires a couple of hours to set up, and then everything is on full autopilot.
I must say that this will only work if you have a wordpress blog and if you post content to your blog on a regular basis. We are going to use a wordpress plugin called SNAP (social networks autop poster) for this method.

What does the SNAP plugin do?

So the first thing you might wonder is: what does this SNAP plugin actually do so i can get free traffic?
Well it’s fairly simple, the plugin will post updates about your new blog posts on all the major social networks and social bookmarking sites. And i’m not talking about just a couple, there’s a huge list of sites you can connect your blog to, and this plugin will automatically post to these sites with a link back to your blog post.
Now that’s pretty cool don’t you think? :)
At first i just installed this plugin in order to automate updates on my social media profiles. As you know, this can be a really annoying job if you have to all of this manually, and there’s really a lot of social media sites!
So after the initial set up, every time you post a new piece of content, it will be added to all your profiles. At first i thought, oh well this might be good to get some social mentions (which is good for Seo it seems) and i didn’t have very high hopes it would be very beneficial otherwise, except to automate the whole thing.
Well a couple of weeks after i started using the plugin, and writing just 1-2 blog posts a day which automatically got added to all the major sites, i noticed i got about 10-50 unique visitors every single day from social sites!
Now as i mentioned, this is not server crashing traffic, but why wouldn’t you install the plugin if it brings in free traffic right?
So in this training article i’m going to give an overview of how to set everything up, and give you some tips in order to benefit from this plugin even more! And on top of that, i’ll share with you a great strategy on how you can turn this method into a long-term anf profitable business model. So if you’re ready, let’s dig in!

Connecting your social accounts to the SNAP plugin

Alright you can download the plugin free from WordPress and upload it to your WordPress site. If you’re not familiar with the process, here’s how you can do that:
First download the SNAP plugin here:
download snap plugin

After that you can upload the zip file in your WordPress dashboard here:
snap plugin upload

Alright so after you have uploaded the SNAP plugin, it’s time to connect it with all your social media profiles. As i mentioned this will take a couple of hours of your time (took me about 2-3 hours to connect 10+ accounts), but the good things is that the instructions are super easy to follow.
See when i saw i had to create apps for numerous social media platforms, i though oh this thing will be complicated. But it really isn’t though because each integration comes with a step by step instruction manual, which is one of the best i’ve seen so far when it comes to changing the settings of WordPress plugins. (and i’ve seen a lot i can assure you that…:) )
So this is how the page looks where you can connect all your social media profiles to the plugin:
add account in snap plugin

As you can see i have already connected most of my accounts, so for you this page will be empty, but when you click the “add new account button, you’ll come to a new screen with drop-down menu where you can choose which accounts you want to add:
add account in snap details

Now this is just an example for the Blogger platform, because i have already all the other social media accounts, but all screens to connect your social media platforms look quite similar, and the instruction manual is only a click away.

Posting to social media accounts using the SNAP plugin

So after you have added all your accounts, you’re basically set. Now all your new blog posts will be published automatically to all your accounts, and i don’t have to tell you the huge amount of time you’ll be saving using this plugin.
I have set mine to autopost as soon as i publish a new post. Here you can see the settings for that:
autopost immediately using snap

As you can see there’s also an option to schedule your posts, but i don’t think that’s really necessary to play with. Well at least that’s just my opinion. If you don’t want to autopost a certain post to your social media profiles, there’s also an option to disable that on the page where you create and publish your post. So that’s fine by me.
So i have tested it out with one of my previous posts, and the results are great, here you can see that:
Autopost on Facebook:

Autopost on Twitter:
Autopost on Linkedin:
linkedin autopost
Autopost on Stumbleupon:
stumbleupon autopost
So as you can see, you can easily publish your new published blog posts on all the major social media platforms on full autopilot. And more importantly, it looks exactly as if you would have done it yourself (nobody will ever know!)

Using the SNAP plugin to make some good money

Now as i promised, i’m going to give you some additional tips on how you can use this SNAP plugin to make some really good money indeed. For this you’ll need the PRO version though, as the free version will only allow you to use it for just one blog (plus some platforms aren’t supported such as Pinterest, which isn’t too big of a deal for me though).
Anyways, as i told you, by using this plugin i was able to generate 10-50 unique visitors in a matter of weeks. And to clarify, this was in the internet marketing niche, which isn’t the best niche really to get traffic from social bookmarking sites. So i highly suggest you pick a niche which will allow you to create content that can go viral.
What you do is create a bunch of high quality blogs, and add content to those blogs on a regular basis. You can either write the content yourself, or you can outsource part of the content creation. But if you put in some effort, you can easily create 5-8 pieces of high quality content every day.
So let’s say you create 5 pieces of content yourself, and you outsource 5 articles to professional writers. If you need writers, just check the Warriorforum, in the “Warriors for hire section” you’ll find a bunch. So this means you can start building 10 blogs.
Now here’s the thing, you won’t build these blogs to keep, but you’ll flip them instead. Blogs with traffic and some income can easily sell for hundreds of dollars, and as you know by now, this plugin will allow you to drive traffic to each new blog you create. So here’s the plan and some additional tips:

Use catchy blog titles

No matter what niche you choose (hobby niches preferably), you need to use catchy blog titles. You simply need to entice people to click through to your site when they see it on social bookmarking sites and social media.
So instead of using a blog title like:
“How Can You Lose Weight”
Use a blog title like:
“Discover 3 Revolutionary Weightloss Techniques”
You need to add a little curiosity in the mix, and that will allow you to get more people clicking through to your site.
Another tip is to use very interesting pictures for your blog posts. It’s a fact that more people will want to check out your site if you have a picture that has the quality to go viral.