Hi. My name is Kim Roach and I’m a complete traffic addict.
They say acceptance is the first step on the road to recovery :)
But I’m content with my addiction.
In fact, discovering new traffic strategies is like opening a shiny new present on Christmas morning.
If you’re like me, then you’ve probably heard all about article marketing, forum marketing, SEO, video marketing, social bookmarking, press releases, blogging, etc…
They are the cornerstones of traffic. And they work.
But in this article I want to explore some new traffic strategies that you might not have heard of. A little bit outside the box. Because I really was never very good at coloring inside the lines :)
So without further ado, my top 5 unusual traffic strategies for 2012…
1. Submit your Blog to Content Aggregators like AllTop.com, AffBuzz.com, AffDaily.com.
If you have a top-notch blog that regularly publishes valuable content (which you should) then you can submit your blog to sites like Alltop.com, AffBuzz.com, and AffDaily.com
These sites are content aggregators that pull in the best content from around the web.
Alltop.com has sections for EVERY topic imaginable. So regardless of which market you’re in you can start generating extra traffic if you’re accepted into their blog network.
AffBuzz.com and AffDaily.com are more niche specific. Focusing on blogs about Affiliate Marketing. But if you have a good blog in the IM market you can get lots of extra visitors every month from these two sites.
2. 100% Commission Affiliate Program.
Having your own product is one of the most powerful things you can do for your business. For your first product I would highly recommend you create a low-cost offer and give away 100% commissions. (Price Point: $7-$39)
Now, at first this might sound kind of crazy ;)
But creating a 100% commission affiliate program can add thousands of subscribers to your list. For our Traffic Dashboard product last year we opened up a 100% commission affiliate program and it’s added 20,000+ subscribers to our list to date.
As you might imagine, having a top-notch product and offering 100% INSTANT commissions makes it pretty easy to start recruiting affiliates :)
We had over 2,000 affiliates come on board and we we’re generating over 200+ subscribers per day for MONTHS off the back of it.
That’s the power of a strong affiliate program. It becomes a self-perpetuating lead machine.
You can give 100% commissions on the front-end and generate many multiples of that on the back-end.
There are a couple different ways to create 100% instant commission affiliate programs.
Some of the main one’s include:
JVZoo RAP (Rapid Action Profits) DigiResults PaySpree.com
You can also do 100% commissions through something like Nanacast or InfusionSoft. It just won’t be instant.
3. Social Media Siphon
Most of us know by now that sites like Facebook and Twitter are a great way to drive traffic to your blog.
However, how do you turn these social media followers into subscribers?
Pointing them to a squeeze page isn’t really ‘kosher’ in the social media crowd.
But you can actually get around this by sending them to a webinar invitation.
However, I’m not talking about a sales webinar. I’m talking about a fun, content-driven, interactive webinar where you can engage with your subscribers on a deeper level.
Plus, you can automatically add every webinar attendee to your Aweber list using a free tool called OneclickTool.com.
So now you’re providing massive value, engaging with your community, AND building a list of subscribers :)
4. AppSumo Syndication.
Do you have a great product but you’re not sure how to get more exposure to it?
Well, we talked about how to get more traffic with affiliates but there’s actually another way to get massive exposure…
Daily Deal Sites!
I’m sure you’ve heard of sites like Groupon and Living Social.
But there are also really cool deal sites made just for us Internet Marketers :)
Two of my favorites are AppSumo.com and MightyDeals.com.
You can often sell hundreds of copies of your product by getting it listed in one of these marketplaces.
Of course, it MUST be a great product.
But as long as you’ve got the goods, these are great places to get additional exposure and traffic.
5. Build a Blogging Alliance
The most successful bloggers online have a secret that they rarely mention in public. It’s a bit of a secret society.
But without the hidden passwords and funny hand shakes.
In fact, most of their meetings rarely happen in person.
And it’s generally a small group of people.
A handful of like-minded bloggers who strategically work together to grow their blogs faster.
If you look at any of the most popular blogs online – you’ll find that almost ALL of them have formed a strategic alliance of some sort – whether it be informal or strategically planned.
This closed door group is one of the key parts of growing a large, successful blog. No one gets to the top by themselves. You simply cannot build your business to its greatest potential without also building relationships with other like-minded
But most people get this part wrong.
You see, a blogging alliance has a secret code.
It’s a small tweak that makes the whole thing work.
No one in the alliance is playing for themselves.
No one has the mindset of: “What can I get from this?”
Those types of people aren’t invited into this type of club.
The code of honor means that you focus on what you can do for others.
YOU comment on their blog FIRST.
YOU link to their blog FIRST.
YOU guest post for them FIRST.
YOU promote their product FIRST.
Give unconditionally – and it will come back 100x.
And if it doesn’t – don’t worry about it.
Being a good person ALWAYS wins out.
The blogging alliance is a brotherhood of sorts.
One that always looks out for the other members of the group.
But you might be wondering…
What does a blogging alliance actually do?
Well, the possibilities are truly unlimited, but here are some great examples:
Members of a blogging alliance Link to each other. Comment on each other’s blogs. Retweet each other’s content. Share each other’s content on Facebook. Promote each other’s products. Swap guest posts. Interviews. And much more…
Whenever you need some help voting up your content, you can call upon your blogging buddies to help you out.
With a group of blogging friends, you literally have traffic on tap simply by sending out an email, IM, or Skype message.
But the RELATIONSHIP comes first.
And when you put the RELATIONSHIP first. When you put GIVING first, you’ll be amazed at all of the incredibly powerful synergies that come from that.