I’m a HUGE fan of Fiverr.
For me, it’s been a great place to outsource things like graphic design, content syndication, audio editing, whiteboard animation, tech work, and more…
So I thought I would share a few of my favorites…
1. Get a professional caricature for $5. This is one of THE most talented artists on Fiverr. His caricatures are some of the best I’ve seen online. You can use these in your website design, email templates, and free reports. OR you could also create them for your affiliates and potential JV Partners.
Great way to build relationships and get someone’s attention :)
2. Turn your photo into a pop art cartoon. I LOVE these! A great gig for your next ‘Roundup’ post of the Top 10 Bloggers.
3. Create a whiteboard animation for just $5. You could also turn these into ‘animated gifs’ and post them on Google Plus :)
4. Done-for-You Powerpoint Presentations. Focus on creating great content and let someone else create the Powerpoint. Also a great way to convert your articles into PowerPoint slides that you can then submit to sites like Slideshare.net.
8. Submit Your video to the Top 30 Video sites. Including YouTube, Vimeo, Viddler, etc… If you do any video marketing at all, this is a great way to get more exposure to your videos. You’ll also receive a full report with each url where your video has been published.
9. Audio Editing. Edit your audio or podcast for just $5. Spend your time focused on creating great content and outsource the editing to the pros. Add intro and outro music as well to give your podcast a professional touch. Also allows you to speed up your product creation as well :)
10. Kindle Traffic. Format your ebook for Smashwords submission. Smashwords will then distribute your ebook to the Apple iBookstore, Barnes & Noble, Sony Reader Store, Kobo, Flipkart, Oyster, the Diesel eBook Store, Baker & Taylor’s Blio and more!