Hey guys,
I’m currently getting 30,000+ visitors each and every monthand I thought I’d share where that traffic is coming from…
And be sure to leave me a comment :)
1. Solo Ads – I used to be VERY hesitant about spending money
on traffic. I was ALL about driving free traffic. But you soon
realize that traffic is never really ‘free’. You’re going to
pay for it either with money OR time.
So when I got to the point in my business that I wanted to start
scaling things up, solo ads were my first paid traffic source.
This is about as non-risky as you can get when it comes to
paid advertising. With a solo ad, you’re sending a dedicated
email to someone’s ELSE’S subscriber list. So it’s laser-targeted
traffic and as long as you have your sales funnel setup correctly
you should be good to go.
Of course you always want to send people to your squeeze page
FIRST. Otherwise, you’ll be leaving a lot of traffic and sales
on the table.
Solo ads have now quickly become one of the #1 sources of
traffic in our business. And most importantly it creates
consistent, predictable lead flow.
2. Ad Swaps - Once you’ve grown a list of 500-1,000 subscribers,
you can then start leveraging that subscriber list to grow
even faster. You do this by ad swapping with other list owners.
This means that you’ll send out an email for another marketer
in your industry and they’ll send out a dedicated email for you -
often adding hundreds of subscribers to your list in a single day.
The biggest key to remember with ad swaps is that you want to
swap with like-minded entrepreneurs who are providing the same
kind of value as you. Also I would recommend keeping these
limited to 2-3 per month so you don’t wear out your list.
3. Guest Blogging – This is another one of our top traffic sources.
I’ve written for a number of different blogs in the IM marketing
including ProBlogger.net, SmartPassiveIncome.com, Rosalind Gardner’s
NetProfitsToday.com, FamousBloggers.net, and many others.
Not only do you get a nice windfall of very targeted traffic but
you also develop priceless relationships with the top people
in your industry.
4. Forum Marketing – This is an ‘Old-School’ tactic that still
works like gang busters! I’m always surprised how little people
really take advantage of this.
Forums are one of the very few traffic sources online where you
can literally start driving visitors in a matter of minutes.
The key here is to provide massive value to the community.
Create an enticing forum signature that leads people back
to your squeeze page and you’re set.
Also, I would recommend that you target the Top 3 forums
within your industry. You want to contribute to the most
popular forums with the most activity.
5. Social Media – This one is becoming a no-brainer now ‘a days.
But I think a lot of people still don’t realize HOW much traffic
you can get from sites like Twitter and Facebook when you do
it right.
Again the key here is to provide LOTS of value. Interact
and engage with the community. And you will be well rewarded.
6. Paid Advertising – This is similar to solo ads but instead
of advertising in other people’s newsletter you’ll be advertising
on their website.
Simply find related websites within your market and contact
them to work out a deal. Many website owners will have an
“Advertising” link on their website but I often like to
work out custom deals.
For example, in addition to buying a banner ad on a website, why
not also workout a deal where you’re content is featured on
their website as well. And now you’re getting exposure through
2 different avenues.
Lots of different things you can do with this so get creative!
7. Affiliate Traffic – Affiliates have been the #1 traffic source
in our business hands-down. Imagine having 100′s of marketers
driving traffic FOR you while you’re able to focus on higher
leverage activities in your business.
One of the best things I did was to create a 100% instant commission
affiliate program for the Traffic Dashboard. We had over 2,000
affiliates come on board and we we’re generating over 200+
subscribers per day for MONTHS off the back of it.
That’s the power of a strong affiliate program. It becomes a
self-perpetuating lead machine.
You can give 100% commissions on the front-end and generate
many multiples of that on the back-end.
But what it does is it take care of ALL of your traffic needs.
Your affiliates will do all the hard work for you.