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3 Simply Tips on Generating More Traffic

Traffic is king and the more you get to your blog, website, or landing page the more leads you will get. More leads will turn into more conversions. And that will be Big Time Money for you!!

If you are brand new these are 3 great places to start generating more traffic.

1. Your own blog, with your own domain and content will be a great place to start. Some will say that content is king, but content is just a tool to attract more traffic. Each day upload a new post to your blog or website, that creates value for others. Over time the search engines will take notice of your continued effort, and will start to rank you in the search results. 
2. Posting videos. I know some of you don’t want to have your face on camera, but just do it. Once you do 20-30 videos, it become so easy and very fun. If your posting value on your website each day, just use that same content to create a video. And don’t forget to place your link at the bottom so people can learn more about what you have to offer. Video websites like Youtube are going to be just like the search engines. Over time your videos will start to attract visitors. Then Youtube is going to place your video higher up in the search results. This will add a ton more traffic to your website.
3. Social Media posting on websites like Facebook. Your facebook wall gives you the ability to post what ever you want. My suggestion would be use the same content you used on your website or blog. But don’t just post your link and hope that people will click on it. Actually write up a similar piece of content on your wall, and then place a link to your landing page at the end. This will give your post a more personal feel, and not look like you’re spamming up your wall with links.
If you are consistent each and every day creating value for others. Your traffic is going to start snowballing out of control. And that is a good thing.
Now go out there and take action now !